Tuesday 8 September 2009

Grand Charity Cabaret

President: Colin Bothwell, Southborough Town Mayor

September 2009


Saturday, 3rd October 2009

Starting at 7.30pm

Grand Charity Cabaret.

At Christchurch Hall, Southborough
At the modest price of £6.50
Which includes fish and chip supper and entertainment
(B.Y.O. drinks)
The Grand Draw will be drawn at this event.

Please contact Colette Marsh for more information and tickets

This Year’s Project

School Number 6 in Kaniv is situated alongside an important road running from the town centre towards the Taras Shevchenko Museum and Memorial (see Tanya’s article in Newsletter 13) which during the year attracts thousands of visitors to the town as well as many residents of the locality. The school is celebrating a special anniversary this year and has embarked upon an ambitious
environmental project to create an attractive garden including an outdoor classroom, at the front of the school. One aim is to encourage those passing along the road and the parents of the pupils to be inspired by the idea of creating something of beauty in their home environment, having seen what the school has achieved.

Those attending the A.G.M. agreed that this project was one we should support and so our fundraising this year is largely aimed at helping fund this though we are mindful also of continuing to help the elderly people needing welfare assistance to see them through the winter months. Members of the Kaniv and Southborough Association (K.A.S.A.) are working to help deliver these two projects.

Cabaret Evening

Our 40 minutes of entertainment will include dancing by a group from the Cannon School of Irish Dance and a variety of other acts for your pleasure and amusement. Please complete the return slip with your supper choice and return it to Colette by 30th September. With Christmas in mind we will have items for sale and the Grand Draw will be made to conclude the evening.

Grand Draw

The Promoter is very grateful to those who have already sent in money and counterfoils. If you haven’t done so yet please please remember that all ticket counterfoils need to be returned by September 30th. It will be possible to buy tickets at the Cabaret Evening.

The Quiznite

This was a new venture for us and made for an enjoyable evening. Special thanks to Mike Bailey for the idea and for all he did to ensure the evening was a success. We have some lessons to learn from this occasion and we will put those lessons into effect next time.

Visits to Kaniv

Sadly there were no responses to the article in the last Newsletter on this subject. However now is the time to be thinking about 2010 because airfares are cheaper the earlier bookings are made. May and September are the favoured months for visiting Kaniv so if you might be interested in going then phone Mike Handcock on 01892 528495 to discuss possible dates and other details.

To develop the friendship visits between us are of vital importance. It has been a great pleasure in the last few years to welcome visitors from Kaniv and it is to be hoped that several of our members will experience for themselves the pleasure of a visit to Kaniv during 2010 – a warm welcome awaits you there.

Membership Matters

At the end of 2008 S.A.K.A. has 51 paid up members. At present we have 43 members with we hope another 5 who have not yet renewed their £3.00 annual subscription but may do so as a result of this gentle reminder.

We welcome as new members Paddy Moran, Greg Clark and Audrey and Bob Constable and feel sure they will gain pleasure and satisfaction from belonging to an organisation that seeks to develop friendship between the people of Southborough and its surrounding area and Kaniv in Ukraine.


Congratulations to Anya Shafor who spent a fortnight as a visitor from Kaniv last year. She will marry Slava on Saturday 12th September. We wish Anya and Slava much happiness in the future and a lovely day for their wedding.

Our best wishes go to Jancis Wilson and Dorothy Clements and we hope they will continue to recover well.

Jackie Prance will be retiring as Secretary as from January 2010 and we are now in need of a replacement, are there any typists with just a little time to spare who could help?

Comments, suggestions and contributions to these Newsletters gratefully received.
Autumn Soiree

Name……………………………………………………………Number of tickets ………………….

Supper Choices

Cod and Chips………………………

Sausage and Chips…………………..

Veggie Burger and Chips……………

Please reply to Colette Marsh

Grand Charity Cabaret

President: Colin Bothwell, Southborough Town Mayor

September 2009


Saturday, 3rd October 2009

Starting at 7.30pm

Grand Charity Cabaret.

At Christchurch Hall, Southborough
At the modest price of £6.50
Which includes fish and chip supper and entertainment
(B.Y.O. drinks)
The Grand Draw will be drawn at this event.

Please contact Colette Marsh for more information and tickets

This Year’s Project

School Number 6 in Kaniv is situated alongside an important road running from the town centre towards the Taras Shevchenko Museum and Memorial (see Tanya’s article in Newsletter 13) which during the year attracts thousands of visitors to the town as well as many residents of the locality. The school is celebrating a special anniversary this year and has embarked upon an ambitious
environmental project to create an attractive garden including an outdoor classroom, at the front of the school. One aim is to encourage those passing along the road and the parents of the pupils to be inspired by the idea of creating something of beauty in their home environment, having seen what the school has achieved.

Those attending the A.G.M. agreed that this project was one we should support and so our fundraising this year is largely aimed at helping fund this though we are mindful also of continuing to help the elderly people needing welfare assistance to see them through the winter months. Members of the Kaniv and Southborough Association (K.A.S.A.) are working to help deliver these two projects.

Cabaret Evening

Our 40 minutes of entertainment will include dancing by a group from the Cannon School of Irish Dance and a variety of other acts for your pleasure and amusement. Please complete the return slip with your supper choice and return it to Colette by 30th September. With Christmas in mind we will have items for sale and the Grand Draw will be made to conclude the evening.

Grand Draw

The Promoter is very grateful to those who have already sent in money and counterfoils. If you haven’t done so yet please please remember that all ticket counterfoils need to be returned by September 30th. It will be possible to buy tickets at the Cabaret Evening.

The Quiznite

This was a new venture for us and made for an enjoyable evening. Special thanks to Mike Bailey for the idea and for all he did to ensure the evening was a success. We have some lessons to learn from this occasion and we will put those lessons into effect next time.

Visits to Kaniv

Sadly there were no responses to the article in the last Newsletter on this subject. However now is the time to be thinking about 2010 because airfares are cheaper the earlier bookings are made. May and September are the favoured months for visiting Kaniv so if you might be interested in going then phone Mike Handcock on 01892 528495 to discuss possible dates and other details.

To develop the friendship visits between us are of vital importance. It has been a great pleasure in the last few years to welcome visitors from Kaniv and it is to be hoped that several of our members will experience for themselves the pleasure of a visit to Kaniv during 2010 – a warm welcome awaits you there.

Membership Matters

At the end of 2008 S.A.K.A. has 51 paid up members. At present we have 43 members with we hope another 5 who have not yet renewed their £3.00 annual subscription but may do so as a result of this gentle reminder.

We welcome as new members Paddy Moran, Greg Clark and Audrey and Bob Constable and feel sure they will gain pleasure and satisfaction from belonging to an organisation that seeks to develop friendship between the people of Southborough and its surrounding area and Kaniv in Ukraine.


Congratulations to Anya Shafor who spent a fortnight as a visitor from Kaniv last year. She will marry Slava on Saturday 12th September. We wish Anya and Slava much happiness in the future and a lovely day for their wedding.

Our best wishes go to Jancis Wilson and Dorothy Clements and we hope they will continue to recover well.

Jackie Prance will be retiring as Secretary as from January 2010 and we are now in need of a replacement, are there any typists with just a little time to spare who could help?

Comments, suggestions and contributions to these Newsletters gratefully received.
Autumn Soiree

Name……………………………………………………………Number of tickets ………………….

Supper Choices

Cod and Chips………………………

Sausage and Chips…………………..

Veggie Burger and Chips……………

Please reply to Colette Marsh