Thursday 29 September 2011

Grand Charity Cabaret

Grand Charity Cabaret
With a traditional fish and chip supper

Saturday 1st October 2011, prompt start at 7.00pm.
St. Thomas’s Church Hall, Pennington Road, Southborough.
Tickets priced at a reasonable £8.50.

A new venue for us to enjoy, as we present our fifth annual Grand Charity Cabaret, featuring a highly talented Cello Quartet and our popular, perennial troupe of artistes to entertain and amuse you. The price includes your Fish and Chip Supper from Meow’s in Western Road, which always provides good quality fare. No Grand Draw this year, but there will be a rather special raffle. The charity aspect of the evening is to raise funds for our initiatives in Kaniv, including help over the winter months for a number of elderly folk and an environmental educational project now in its third year. Good entertainment, good food, good causes at a good venue! Please contact our Chairman Mike Handcock to make your booking.